Me and My Shadow

Today was a solo hike… my normal hiking partners, Ron and John are otherwise engaged. Ron has taken a different tact in his preparation. He and his wife are on a cruise around South America, so I’ll definitely be interested in hearing how he is adapting his training regime while partaking in 5-course gourmet meals! John is training for a 1/2 marathon, so he got enough exercise during a 9 mile run.

So… I am left to hike alone. Today’s hike was the 9 mile Buck Ridge/Mary’s Rock/Buck Hollow loop in Shenandoah National Park. The day was perfect, mid-30’s with light snow on the trail. The Buck Ridge portion of this trail features a 600+ section of log stairs that ascend 400 ft over 0.3 miles. It is a good test of my fitness from all the stair-climber training.

With the fresh snow, I was able to see a number of animal tracks, including rabbit, bobcat and even a large disturbed area where a bear rolled around on the ground. Since the winter is pretty short and mild, the bears are beginning to get active. Luckily, I didn’t encounter one on my solo hike!

If you’re bored, here are some video links:

Mary’s Rock overlooking the Shenandoah Valley

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